
[Webinar] How to run successful gambling ad campaigns in 2020 with push traffic

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Anastasia Kazakova, Head of Customer Service at RichAds

Anastasia has been working in advertising for 3+ years, with experience in an ad network, startup company, and marketing agency. In RichAds, she helps affiliate marketers to reach the highest results and build long-lasting relations with our network.

Dmitry Sergeev, Head of Business Development at RichAds

As a RichAds co-founder, Dmitry has a wealth of experience in the affiliate marketing sphere. He regularly speaks as an expert in the webinars on push and pop traffic. Dmitry has a great experience in gambling, sweepstakes, dating, nutra, and other niches.

Olga Stoyan

Chief Marketing Officer at Gamingtec
Olga has been doing marketing for 9 years, 5 of them were devoted to the iGaming industry. Working with huge budgets and for different GEOs, she has extensive experience both on the ad agency and product sides. All the previous experience gives a quality basis to work with the B2B sector and create the best technical solutions on the market.

Zakhar Surov

Affiliate Manager at Alfaleads
As an affiliate manager in Alfaleads performance marketing agency Zakhar helps clients to find converting lander-offer combinations in gambling vertical. He has extensive experience working with both newbies in the sphere and top affiliate marketers teams. Being an attentive specialist he regularly tries to share all the expertise with the clients to help them make profit.

Программа мероприятия

What you will get:

  • 3 experts will share their knowledge

  • E-book "Ultimate Guide on Gambling Campaigns"

  • Special Bonuses from RichPush and its partners

 + List of top gambling offers during isolation from our experts


1. Pros and cons of different ad formats working with gambling

2. Main points to think about when planning a gambling ad campaign on push

3. Targeting options for the start

4. All you need to know about creatives on gambling:

  • 4 working formulas for main images + examples

  • 6 tips for converting titles + examples

5. Pre-landing pages: to use or not

6. Tips on testing

7. Some optimization tips

8. Q&A session