
[Webinar] Sweepstakes for Affiliates: Win-win game

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Nick Lenihan, Affiliate Marketing Expert

Nick has been an affiliate media buyer for 8+ years working with most types of traffic including search, social, push, display, pops, and native. He is an expert in the affiliate marketing sphere who also writes his own blog. Also, Nick has created his own affiliate marketing educational course on sweepstakes vertical. Be assured, this guy is a real professional of the sphere.

Anastasia Kazakova, Head of Customer Service at RichAds

Anastasia has been working in advertising for 3+ years, with experience in an ad network, startup company, and marketing agency. In RichAds, she helps affiliate marketers to reach the highest results and build long-lasting relations with our network.

Francisco Guerreiro, Mobidea Affiliate Manager

Francisco is an account manager at Mobidea, based in Portugal, a small country on the Eastern coast of the Atlantic. He has been in the industry for 5 years now and has attended affiliate related events all around the world. Francisco has experience with affiliates of all kinds, although media buyer is the type of affiliate he deals with the most.

Программа мероприятия

1. How to choose a profitable offer.

2. How to prepare a push ad campaign for the start.

  • analysis of the target audience

  • creatives

  • landing pages

3. Ноw to set up a push ad campaign.

4. Optimization tips on push ads.

5. Q&A session